Kitarians are a race of cat people who live all around Sal Sirra long before man. Renders is a Tarot Wizard prodigy who has mastered many useful elemental Tarot Spells. Kitarians by nature are skilled, proud, and strong willed creatures. Sadly, Renders hasn't inherited this ability. Despite being a powerful Tarot Wizard, he's a coward at heart. The only thing that keeps him him from running away is the skill of his comrades.
Renders looks down on everyone. He is critical and to the point, and often mocking people i
n the process. He thinks he's better than everyone else. Having this frame of mind has left Renders with few friends and many enemies. Still, he travels will
Granin and Myth to face certain doom. Perhaps to overcome his fear of being a coward at heart.
Traveling to the capital of Sal
Sirra to assist as a teacher for other Tarot Wizards. During this time the Slave Act was still fresh in the minds of many residents of Sal
Sirra. Renders has faced many bitter and racist people due to this. Except
One night during a walk home, a group of thugs had pushed Renders into an alley with the intent on robbing him, or worse when Granin had accidentally stumbled out of a tavern drunk and right into the situation. Having Granin pass out in a family of garbage cans and causing a loud noise that alerted the town guard to investigate the situation and save Renders.
Granin and Renders have been friends ever since. Although,
Granin doesn't remember any of it. Renders thinks of
Granin as an equal if not better.