Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Enemies are all around you.(Backround is a placeholder)

Running from the enemy(Mini Game)

As you can see I posted a few screenshots. This is going to be a mini game where you jump/attack while being chased through a forest. I've been spriting and drawing a lot for RN, I've been very productive with RN lately, I have no idea why. It's becoming visually appealing so it's so hard for me to stop working on it, because I want to see what I can come up with next. It's exciting. People in the RM community bitch and whine so much about RM being restricting. The reality of it is, it's not the program, it's the lack of creativity from the person using it.

The blog has been updated in a few sections. There's new art in Concepts. The Media section is now up if you want to see video's and screenshots. Jobs section is also up, check that out too. Remember, all of the old news goes into the News, section.

Anonymous Gh0st said...
This stuff looks nice. I never bothered clicking the picture lol.

Um yeah, I would like to see how this looks all put together.

Blogger TFT said...
hmm, well, that will be a long time. i can't...rush my legacy...heh