Monday, July 9, 2007
Hiatus thus far!
I have returned to the game making scene! Just kidding. I actually have time to update my blog, how shocking! I have just been so burnt out from the holidays and everything else in life. I want to give a big FUCK YOU to the guy I did commission work and gave him a lot of original content and then he didn't pay me!
People ask me the process of which I work on my game, which is really odd because my game is very stupid/not cool. But yeah, I thought I would kind of indulge myself and show people how I come up with stuff.
This is the vault of Rainbow Nightmare crap. I keep all my designs, concepts, whatever in this cabinet. It's pretty big, so there is no lack of ideas. I just, collect so much content that I can use later.
Yeah, it's totally all RN junk waiting to be used too! It's hard to imagine never getting ideas, and even when I do I can just
pop this open and randomly pick something to use. In fact, I am running out of room! Basically all the content I can't quite
figure out what to do with at that time I just toss it here to be used later. So people who say I do not take game design seriously, fuck ya'll

When I come up with stuff I don't really do it from a writers perspective. I start off using storyboards for everything I want to do instead of writing out what is going to happen. I usually do my storyboards on an actual story board on my wall, but I had to take it down for a while, so I use regular paper to create mini-story boards.

After that I come up with designs focusing around the theme for the specific scene, just sketching out random content and seeing what sticks is probably my favorite part. Because for one scene I will have about 60 different things to choose from and usually use only 4 to 5 pieces.

I came up during the end game you ride on a giant robot's arm that is themed after a highway. It's still a work in progress but I try to make it accurate to the concept. what in theory is suppose to happen is you shoot riders using the mouse when they appear or get too close. and bigger vehicles appear throwing out enemies that you also have to shoot that progressively gets more difficult. Iwould like it to have the boss slowly pan in the background as you progress across the highway(arm) I figure if it's coded correctly could be incredibly fun. it's just a simple mini-game masked with a bunch of content happening at the same time to give the illusion that it's really good. that's all games really are, masked with over the top things happening while the core gameplay is simple. you can do plenty of things with push "A" or move "up and down" but people are too stupid and not clever enough to figure that out.


Concept 2
Concept 3

I've been toying with the battle layout of the game too. This is what I've come up with so far. It's really rough and it doesn't have much yet. I want a major focus on the ability to use cards that are randomly generated by the enemy and player so I am for sure going to keep the card shuffle on their respective sides, but as you can see i have no space for hp for the 3 characters. I think at the top instead of enemy cards i will display their hp and it will change depending on which enemy you select to attack. I also don't like the character sprites. It's just, really traditional looking, and it doesn't seem that fun at all. If I could somehow make it so the camera enhances the screen to give it a closeup shot when they go and attack I think that would make it 100 times better.

I am in freaking love with sharpies!

Hmm, I guess that's all I have to offer for a while! Keep it on the low, ya'll~
Blogger MigratoryEagle said...
coool work bro

Blogger TFT said...
fuck you.

Blogger Archeia_Nessiah said...
Very nice <3

Anonymous Zatham said...
Thanks for showing. It's great to see this stuff.

not so freak like me mate : p