So let me explain something. I'm from California. I was born in Ca, and I will probably expire from this this planet in Ca. The thing we love the most is the summer. It sounds sort of like a stereotypical thing but it's really accurate, we love summer. We're like lizards searching for a cozy heated rock to lay on top of and let the death ray sun vapors hit our skin all day, everyday. Now, during the winter I do absolutely nothing. I usually sit in my room huddled in a blanket with some hot tea and my laptop and couch surf the day away playing World of Warcraft or wasting time on IRC. My work computer that has all of my art, game docs, etc, is on the other side of the freezing cold room next to the bathroom, so it totally enhances the freeze factor. During the winter I try every other day to open RN and work on it, but I just instantly click it off and float back to the heater.
A huge issue I had was this scene that I kept kicking around all winter trying to figure out how to pull it off, and I just couldn't find any way to do it. So, basically this 5 minute scene prevented my progress all winter.
scene that took me all winter to finish (-\\)
So it's currently summer, things are totally different. Why? Because now I'm warm. When I'm warm, I go out more, socialize, and when I socialize I get ideas, and draw, and do all sorts of things. ALL BECAUSE I HAVE THE SUN TO KEEP ME WARM! Like, I cannot accept any weather that is not 90 something. Weather is a huge deal to me, because I am moody, and the weather has almost everything to do with that.
So with RN lately I have been just hitting it hard, like I've been getting a ridiculous amount of content and scenes done. Everything looks good, story is cruising, characters developing, it's just all great right now.
So, to sort of recap on the game, I'm working on one full game that contains a bunch of short stories. Like Live-a-Live. Except it's in the same universe and all of the stories connect to each other from different time frames, like Sukioden 3. Now, when I created my first game in RM, I thought, well it was a nice test to see what the program is capable of and if it was for me, so then I created the Rainbow Nightmare with Wolfie and Lush, and it won a few Misaos, few interviews, people seem to overall enjoy it despite the many bugs and stuff. I didn't like the game, really. I thought it did a few clever things, but overall I thought it was a really stupid game. At the end of it I just thought I could create something better.
So I don't talk about Libra's Story much, because when I announced I would be working on a new game which was Granin, Renders, and Myth falling into this town that is filled with undead, and it was very grim and spooky, and the bad guys were different undead, and you met all these cool characters and you join together to enter this vast castle. I like it a lot, and I still write about it and it's being worked on sometimes. I started to think about it, and I went well, I already did Granin in one game I don't want to feel like it's a re-used kind of deal, plus I still had new characters that I wanted to try out.
So I created Libra's Story which goes side by side with Granin's Story. Libra's story is by far my favorite out of anything I've designed or came up with so far. When I started the RN games I wanted to be more robots and machines vs fantasy, and when I created the game with Wolfie and Lush, practically the whole demo was in a fantasy setting, and I eventually started to really hate the game. It just came out like that, because that is where the story went. So instead of just quitting I finished it and told myself I would try something new, instead of working on something I felt was flawed in too many ways.
Libra's story works into everything I ever wanted. Fantasy characters going up against machines and robots, advanced cities, trains, etc. So as far as game progress goes I'm tying up the first introduction area up. It's very simple, so people will get a feeling about how the game will play. The areas are so simple, but they're filled with so much content that I want people to be more excited about what they'll see, instead of how the characters react, or how the story plays out.
I feel like rambling about a specific character in Libra's story. Alternate 6 are Lady Libra's main Antagonist in the story. And what they are is sort of like the machine core of Neon Empire. Cyborg humans. I originally created 6 from the start and thought for sure I would use the 6 I started off with. As time passed by I thought, well what else can I do with them? So ultimately I dropped 3 out of the 6 and introduced 3 new characters.
Anyway, I came up with this old man in a hat and cane, named Deacon the Suspicious. And he started off with like, NO personality whatsoever. And I thought, well as long as he looks cool I guess it doesn't really matter much. So I threw him in while I was creating the game and started to write dialogue for him. And I just decided to make sure he threw out stupid things like "kid" and in my "age" because he was old, and that is what old people do I guess and that will be his "thing".
And I kept writing dialogue about him and I had accidentally typed "Welcome to the performance, friends" and I looked at it for the longest time and I just said to myself what if I just made him into a classic magician, not a wizard or mage, but just a magician who uses card tricks so I started writing references about a magician and he started to develop into this really fun character that I loved to write for.
What's cool about this character, and I didn't plan this out at all it just happened, was when he is first introduced he comes off as really arrogant and he has that "Well, you're going to get owned kthxbai" attitude and an event happens and he doesn't directly get to fight you. And as you progress through the dungeon he starts to doubt his abilities and loses the arrogant attitude, and by the end of the dungeon he's at his wits end. It was just very crazy how it just wrote itself.
Again, for old content worth checking out look at the News section.